skz hotline






“What? You said i’m being too harsh on that waiter for no reason? Oh sweetheart, believe me, there is.”

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he is pretty impulsive, in terms of keeping what’s his, his. but fret not, it would never be towards you, atleast he’ll try his best to hold back..from hurting you too much. best of luck.


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minho is possessive in both routes, the difference is the level of intensity. if you need to talk to someone else, for whatever reason, either you can come up with an amazing excuse to let you off the hook, or do it when he’s not looking, which is, rare to be frank.

his preferred killing method is burning his victim, he claims his method is the most heated.

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chance of killing you : 48%
chance of turning yandere : 47%
danger level : 50%
- the percentage will further escalates quicker or slower depending on your acts.